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For low-light NIR and SWIR imaging and spectroscopy


NIRvana cameras are designed to give unprecedented performance for imaging in the SWIR wavelength range. The versatile scientific InGaAs cameras, deliver both high speed imaging with 100s of fps as well as ultra low dark noise for long exposures of extremely weak signals.


NIRvana Family Features

Large Pixel Size Delivers High Sensitivity

We don’t just have lower noise – we collect more photons too. With larger pixel area comes greater light detection ability. The 20 μm pixels of the NIRvana® family collect 80% more light than 15 μm pixel cameras, and 4 times as much light as 10 μm pixel cameras.

See our technical note on Signal and Noise here.



Proven Scientific Performance

With Scientific SWIR Imaging comes unique challenges. Building on two decades of experience, our NIRvana range of cameras is designed to solve them. NIRvana has a peerless scientific pedigree with  10 publications in Nature journals using NIRvana cameras since 2017.

See our Research Stories for an insight into the dozens of publications using our cameras.

The NIRvana range of SWIR cameras provide a superlative performance for low-light imaging that has to be seen to be believed. Why not book a demonstration to see what the NIRvana range can do for you.


Imaging and Spectroscopy in One Powerful Software

Powerful and intuitive software with built-in math engine allows for the complete control of cameras and spectrographs, with real-time image analysis and spectral data.

LightField software provides seamless integration of hardware controls and direct data acquisition into programmes such as Python, National Instruments’ LabVIEW® and MathWorks’ MATLAB®. This software also fully supports IntelliCal automated wavelength and intensity calibration.

Easy Integration with Linux, C++, Python…

Our software support doesn’t end there. Our PICam SDK offers C++ integration and extensive documentation, and is fully supported in Linux.


Model Finder

Product Dark Current FPS Read Noise Spectrum Price Compare Options
NIRvana HS
NIRvana HS
500 e⁻/p/s (@ -55°C) 250 fps <60 e⁻ SWIR In Production Request Info NIRvana
NIRvana LN
10 e⁻/p/s (@ -190°C) 2.77 fps 15 e⁻ NIR, SWIR In Production Request Info NIRvana
NIRvana 640
40 e⁻/p/s (@ -85°C) 110 fps 75 e⁻ SWIR In Production Request Info NIRvana

Media gallery

Resources & Support

Customer Story

Measuring Spectra of Single Quantum Dot Nanocrystals Emitting in SWIR

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Application Note

New, Ultra-High-Sensitivity, Deeply Cooled InGaAs Cameras for Ground-Based Astronomy in the NIR-II / SWIR

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Application Note

NIR-II Probes for In vivo Imaging

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Tech Note

Optimizing Detection in Whole Animal In vivo Imaging

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Customer Story

Real-Space and Fourier Imaging and Spectroscopy of NIR Emission from SWCNTs

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Application Note

Scientific Cameras for Ultra-Low-Light Imaging in Quantum Research

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Application Note

Scientific InGaAs Cameras For NIR-II Imaging for Drug Discovery/Small-Animal Research

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Application Note

Scientific NIR-II / SWIR Cameras Enable Femtosecond Frequency Comb Vernier Spectroscopy

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Application Note

Scientific NIR-II / SWIR Cameras for Advanced Imaging and Spectroscopy Applications

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Tech Note

Signal and Noise: How NIRvana Infrared Cameras Deliver Powerful Sensitivity

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