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Aerospace Imaging Solutions

Ultra High Resolution


Panchromatic Imaging

Teledyne's ability to deliver custom very large format devices with exceptional imaging performance makes us the supplier of choice for ultra high resolution panchromatic imaging. With custom devices more than 16000 pixels wide, high angular response, and high dynamic range for the best possible image quality, Teledyne is the definitive leader.

Our customers use our exceptional image sensors for a wide range of earth observation and reconnaissance applications, including agriculture, cadastral mapping, cartography, forestry, land use/land cover mapping, environmental studies, natural hazard assessment, flood risk management, transportation engineering, urban planning, civil engineering, oil and gas exploration and geology









  • Highest resolutions available--"push-broom" linear and TDI sensors with X resolution to 16000+ pixels and unlimited Y resolution
  • High line rate and throughput
  • Unmatched image quality
  • High sensitivity for shadow detail plus antiblooming to contain bright highlights
  • Back side illuminated (BSI) options for maximum sensitivity and QE
  • Antireflective coatings to optimize QE
  • Radiation tolerance/hardness
  • Sophisticated packaging experience
  • High sensitivity and dynamic range
  • CCD and CMOS solutions
  • Extreme high throughput performance
  • Linear resolution to 16000+ pixels
  • Customizable pixel sizes
  • Back side illumination options

Multiple cost effective package choices are available with hermetic sealing. Designs are available for radiation hardness for extreme environments.