Transitioning from FlyCapture2 to Spinnaker SDK

Benefits of Spinnaker

The Spinnaker SDK is developed based on GenICam. GenICam provides a unified application programming interface to users of machine vision cameras. An introduction to GenICam can be found on EMVA’s website.

Some of the key benefits of using the Spinnaker SDK include:

Forward Compatibility

  • Features are loaded dynamically from the camera. When we introduce new camera features, you don't have to recompile your application.
  • New machine vision standards are following GenICam (USB3 Vision, GigE Vision). Spinnaker allows you to write more generic code that can be easily migrated to future standards.
  • Follows SFNC (standard feature naming convention).

New Graphical User Interface

  • There is a new class of GUI controls that allows you to add individual GUI elements to your applications

Backwards Compatibility

  • Source compatibility—Newer minor versions of Spinnaker will not require developers to change their existing code. You can simply recompile your application with a newer version of Spinnaker.
  • Functional compatibility—Newer versions of Spinnaker will not remove any functionality.
  • Binary compatibility—You can run C++ or C based applications by swapping new Spinnaker binaries (DLL) with the old binaries. (This only applies to Spinnaker binaries which have the same major and minor version.)

Differences between Spinnaker and FlyCapture2 Support

The Spinnaker SDK is recommended for users developing new vision applications. Spinnaker provides users with many powerful features to streamline their development process. Users of USB 2.0 and IEEE1394 cameras still require FlyCapture2. The following table summarizes the differences between the features, cameras and platforms supported by Spinnaker and FlyCapture2.

    Spinnaker FlyCapture2
Feature Support Feature Search Yes No
  GenICam Compliant Yes No
  Dynamic Feature Loading Yes No
  Standard Feature Naming Convention Yes No
  Serial on GPIO Yes Yes
  PWM on GPIO Yes Yes
Camera Support Blackfly S, Dragonfly S, Firefly S/DL, Forge, Oryx Yes No
  USB 3.1 Cameras: GS3-U3, BFLY-U3, CM3-U3, FL3-U3 Yes Yes
  GigE Cameras: GS3-PGE, BFLY-PGE, FL3-GE Yes Yes
  USB 2.0 Cameras No Yes
  IEEE 1394 Cameras No Yes
  Ladybug (use the Ladybug SDK) No Yes
  Bumblebee (use the Triclops SDK) No Yes
Platform Support Windows Yes Yes
  Linux Yes Yes
  ARM Yes Yes

Terminology Changes

FlyCapture2 Spinnaker Notes
Brightness Black Level The output of the camera when not illuminated
Exposure Exposure Compensation Changes the target grey value the camera tries to achieve with auto exposure time and/or auto gain
Shutter Exposure Time The amount of time that the camera's electronic shutter stays open
Packet Size GevSCPSPacketSize The packet size, in bytes, to send on the selected channel for a GVSP transmitter or receiver
Packet Delay GevSCPD The delay to insert between each packet for this stream channel
Trigger Mode 0 TriggerSelector → FrameStart
AcquisitionMode → Continuous
Each frame is triggered by external software or hardware trigger source. Sensor exposure time is controlled by exposure time setting (shutter in FlyCapture2).
Trigger Mode 1 ExposureMode → TriggerWidth
AcquisitionMode → Continuous
Same as Trigger Mode 0 except sensor exposure time is controlled by length of external trigger pulse
Trigger Mode X Logic Block Logic Block allows you to define any internal logic, including custom trigger modes
For more information see Using Logic Blocks.
Memory Channel User Set Allows storing of camera settings in non-volatile memory
High Dynamic Range (HDR) Sequencer The cycling of frames with different settings (such as gain and exposure) in order to capture the darkest and brightest portions of the scene
For more information see Using the Sequencer.
Frame Buffer Transfer Control Allows control over the transfer of image data to the host
Video Mode Image Format Control Binning/decimation and image size settings.
Mirror/Flip Reverse X / Reverse Y The flipping (either horizontally or vertically) of the image sent from the camera
One Shot AcquisitionMode: Single Frame Set the camera to capture a single image when started
Multi Shot AcquisitionMode: Multi Frame Set the camera to capture a defined number of images when started.
Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) Counters and Timers (Blackfly S and Oryx only) Send a specified number of pulses with programmable high an low duration over GPIO
For more information see Using Counters and Timers
Pixel Format:
Mono 12
Pixel Format:
Mono12 Packed (IIDC-msb)
Mono12 Packed
Pixel Format:
Pixel Format:
Format is dependent on the bayer pattern of the camera (for example, GB or GR)
Pixel Format:
Pixel Format:
Bayer(format)12 Packed (IIDC-msb)
Bayer(format)12 Packed
Format is dependent on the bayer pattern of the camera (for example, GB or GR)
Pixel Format:
Pixel Format:
Format is dependent on the bayer pattern of the camera (for example, GB or GR)
Pixel Format:
Pixel Format:
YCbCr 411 8
Pixel Format:
Pixel Format:
YCbCr 422 8
Pixel Format:
Pixel Format:
YCbCr 8
Image consistency errors
Error logging
For information about Spinnaker logging see Using Logging in Spinnaker
Image conversion errors
Error logging
The input pixel format is not supported for conversion to the desired output format
Dropped images
Buffer Underrun Count  
Skipped images
Transmit Queue Overflow Count  
Number of bus arrivals/removals
Error logging
Device Arrival/Removal Event Received


Included with both the FlyCapture SDK and the Spinnaker SDK are a number of source code examples to help you get started. These examples are provided for C, C++, C#, and VB.NET languages and are precompiled for your convenience.

The table below describes the available Spinnaker SDK examples. Where appropriate, the FlyCapture2 equivalent example is identified.

Spinnaker Example Description
Acquisition Enumerate, start acquisition, and grab images
Similar to FlyCapture2: FlyCapture2Test
Trigger* Trigger
Similar to FlyCapture2: AsyncTriggerEx
ImageFormatControl* Configure a custom image size and format
Similar to FlyCapture2: CustomImageEx
Exposure* Configure a custom exposure time
Similar to FlyCapture2: ExtendedShutterEx
AcquisitionMultipleCamera How to capture images from multiple cameras simultaneously
Similar to FlyCapture2: MultipleCameraEx (FireWire only)
SaveToAVI Save images in AVI format
Similar to FlyCapture2: SaveImageToAVIEx
ImageEvents Image events
Similar to FlyCapture2: ImageEventEx (FireWire only)
Sequencer (Blackfly S and Oryx) Capture multiple images with different parameters in a sequence
Similar to FlyCapture2: HighDynamicRange
SpinSimpleGUI_MFC Graphical User Interface for evaluating and setting camera parameters
Similar to FlyCapture2: FlyCapture2GUI
ChunkData How to get chunk data on an image, either from the nodemap or from the image itself
DeviceEvents Create a handler to access device events
Enumeration* Enumerate interfaces and cameras
EnumerationEvents Explore arrival and removal events on interfaces and the system
GenTLInfo_QuickSpin* How to access node information from interfaces and cameras
Logging Create a logging event handler
LookupTable Configure lookup tables for the customization and control of individual pixels
NodeMapCallback Create, register, use, and unregister callbacks
NodeMapInfo How to retrieve node map information
*Also available in QuickSpin  


Nodes are known as properties in FlyCapture2.

Every GenICam compliant camera has an XML description file. The XML describes camera registers, their interdependencies, and all other information needed to access high-level features without the need for low level register read and write operations. These features include Gain, Exposure Time, Image Format, and others. The elements of a camera description file are represented as software objects called Nodes. A Nodes map is a list of nodes created dynamically at run time.


To access camera properties such as setting image width:

C++ GenAPI

GenApi::INodeMap & nodeMap = cam.GetNodeMap();

CIntegerPtr width = nodeMap.GetNode("Width");



NodeMap map = cam.GetNodeMap();
IInteger width = map.GetNode<IInteger>("Width");
width.Value = 320;


spinCameraGetNodeMap(hCam,&hNodeMap); //spinCamera hCam

spinNodeHandle hNode;
int64_t value = 0;
error = spinNodeMapGetNode(hNodeMap,"Width",&hNode);
error = spinIntegerSetValue(hNode, 320);

QuickSpin API and Accessing Camera Parameters

Generic programming with GenICam requires developers to know feature names before using them. Spinnaker provides the QuickSpin API, which helps developers write their applications hassle free. The QuickSpin API consists of a list of static functions integrated into the Camera class.

QuickSpin works best with new camera families like the Blackfly S, Oryx and Firefly. Due to the hardcoded nodenames there may be problems when used with cameras from older families.  

All camera parameters can be accessed through the camera pointer object.


Most camera parameters (all items in camera.h) can be accessed using the QuickSpin API.

For parameters not handled by QuickSpin API, you can access them via GenAPI. GenAPI is an open source API for configuring GenICam cameras. GenAPI is maintained by the European Machine Vision Association.

Note: QuickSpin API and GenAPI are available for C++ and C# only. They are not available for C.

Below is an example comparison of inquiring camera gain via GenAPI and QuickSpin API.

C++ GenAPI

Spinnaker::GenApi::INodeMap & nodeMap = cam->GetNodeMap();
CFloatPtr GainNode = nodeMap.GetNode("Gain");
Float GainVal = GainNode->GetValue();

C++ QuickSpin API

float quickGainVal = cam->Gain.GetValue();


INodeMap map = cam.GetNodeMap();
IFloat GainNode = map.GetNode<IFloat>( "Gain");

C# QuickSpin API

doublequickGainVal = cam.Gain.Value;

C Spinnaker API

error = spinNodeMapGetNode(hNodeMap,"Gain",&hNode);
error = spinIntegerGetValue(hNode,&value);

Event Handling

Events are known as callbacks in FlyCapture2.

Spinnaker introduces two event classes: interface events and device events.

Interface Event

The interface event class is a new feature that is responsible for registering and deregistering user defined interface events such as device arrival and removal.

Interface Event C++

class InterfaceEventsHandler : public InterfaceEvent

public :
virtual ~InterfaceEventsHandler(){};

void OnDeviceArrival()

std::cout<< "A Camera Arrived" << std::endl;


void OnDeviceRemoval( uint64_tdeviceSerialNumber )

std::cout<< "A Camera was removed with serial number: " <<
deviceSerialNumber << std::endl;



InterfaceEventsHandler handler;

Interface Event C#

class InterfaceEventListener : ManagedInterfaceEvent

protectedoverridevoid OnDeviceArrival()

Console .Out.WriteLine( "A new device has arrived!" );


protected override void OnDeviceRemoval( UInt64 serialNumber)

Console.Out.WriteLine( "A device with serial number {0} has been removed!" ,



Interface Event C

>Interface event (arrival and removal) handling for C is registered by using the below functions:



A detailed example for C interface event is included in Spinnaker source code example: EnumerationEvent_C.cpp

Device Event

The device event class is responsible for registering and deregistering user defined device events such as start or end of exposure.

Device Event C++

// Select the Exposure End event
Spinnaker::GenApi:: CEnumerationPtr pEnum = nodeMap .GetNode( "EventSelector" );
pEnum->SetIntValue(pEnum->GetEntryByName( "EventExposureEnd" )->GetValue());

// Turn on the Event notification for Exposure End Event
Spinnaker::GenApi:: CEnumerationPtr pBool = nodeMap .GetNode( "EventNotification" );

// Once Exposure End Event is detected, the OnDeviceEvent function will be called
classDeviceEventHandler : publicDeviceEvent

public :

void OnDeviceEvent( GenICam::gcstring eventNameeventId )

std::cout << "Got Device Event with " << eventName << " and ID=" << GetDeviceEventId() << std::endl;



// Register event handler
DeviceEventHandler allDeviceEventHandler;

Device Event C#

// Set EventSelector to ExposureEnd
cam.EventSelector.Value = EventSelectorEnums .EventExposureEnd.ToString();

// Set EventNotification to true
cam.EventNotification.Value = EventNotificationEnums .On.ToString();

// After registering the below device event on the camera, OnDeviceEvent will be automatically called once ExposureEnd event is detected
classManagedDeviceEventHandler : ManagedDeviceEvent

protected override voidOnDeviceEvent( string eventName)

Console .Out.WriteLine( "Got Device Event with Name=" + eventName + " and ID= {0}" , GetDeviceEventId());



Device Event C

// Create and register ExposureEvent

spinEvent eventExposureEnd = NULL;

error = spinEventCreate(&eventExposureEnd, onSpecificDeviceEvent, NULL);

error = spinCameraRegisterEvent(hCam, eventExposureEnd, "EventExposureEnd");

// Create a function to occur upon specific event occurrences;
//ensure exact same function signature is used

void onSpecificDeviceEvent(const char* pEventName, void* pUserData)
    printf("\t// Specific device event %s...\n", pEventName, (char*)pUserData);

Chunk Data

Chunk data replaces embedded image info in FlyCapture2.

Chunk data is extra information that the camera can append to each image besides image data. Examples of chunk data include frame counter, image width, image height and exposure time.

C++ Enable Chunk Data

ChunkSelector.SetValue(ChunkSelectorEnums ::ChunkSelector_ExposureTime) ;



C++ Retrieve Chunk Data

const ChunkData& chunkData = rawImage->GetChunkData();

float64_t currentExposure = chunkData.GetExposureTime();

C# Enable Chunk Data

cam.ChunkSelector.Value = ChunkSelectorEnums.ExposureTime.ToString();

cam.ChunkEnable.Value = true;

cam.ChunkModeActive.Value = true;

C# Retrieve Chunk Data

String currentExposure = rawImage.ChunkData.ExposureTime.ToString();

C# Graphical User Interface API

For applications that want to take advantage of Spinnaker's graphical user elements, graphical user interface (GUI) controls are available. GUI controls are divided into static and dynamic categories. Static GUI controls include the CameraSelectionDialog, display window, and property grid window. Dynamic GUI control capability is built into the camera's firmware. Therefore, new firmware has the ability to add GUI controls to the same application, without recompiling.

Static GUI Dialogs

//To show image drawing window

GUIFactory AcquisitionGUI = new GUIFactory ();


ImageDrawingWindow AcquisitionDrawing = AcquisitionGUI.GetImageDrawingWindow();




//To show camera selection window

GUIFactory AcquisitionGUI = newGUIFactory ();


CameraSelectionWindow camSelection = AcquisitionGUI.GetCameraSelectionWindow();


//To show property grid window

GUIFactory AcquisitionGUI = new GUIFactory ();


PropertyGridWindow propWindow = AcquisitionGUI.GetPropertyGridWindow();




Dynamic GUI Control

GUIFactory dynamicGUI = new GUIFactory ();


// Get dialog name via dynamicGUI.GetDialogNameList()

Window dlg = dynamicGUI.GetDialogByName(dialogName);

dlg.Owner = Window .GetWindow(this );



Spinnaker supports five levels of logging:

  • Error—failures that are non-recoverable (this is the default level)
  • Warning—failures that are recoverable without user intervention
  • Notice—information about events such as camera arrival or disconnect, camera initialize, camera start/stop, or modification of a feature
  • Info—information about recurring events that are generated with every image
  • Debug—information that can be used to troubleshoot the system

You can define the logging level that you want to monitor. Levels are inclusive, that is, if you monitor debug level error, you also monitor all logging levels above it.

For a complete C++ and C# example of Logging, please see Spinnaker SDK source code examples. By default, Spinnaker SDK's SpinView application saves all logging data to:


Programmer's Section

For programmers not familiar with GenICam API, you can take a look at the standard at

Spinnaker re-engineered the way we perceived camera features in FlyCapture2. Camera features and properties are named according to standard feature naming convention (SFNC). The table below compares the Spinnaker SDK features with those in the FlyCapture2 SDK.

For example, IIDC register read and write is no longer available. Instead, camera properties are accessed through the GenICam node map.

Even though It is possible to access the camera's IIDC register using Spinnaker ReadPort/WritePort, we do not encourage this approach. Most camera properties can be accessed through the GenICam node map.

FlyCapture2 Feature Comparison with Spinnaker

FlyCapture2 Features Spinnaker Features Notes

IIDC register read and write

Source Code Example:

GenICam node map get/set values

Source Code Example:

This feature is typically used to access camera settings or control the camera's state.

Embedded image info

Source Code Example:

Chunk data

Source Code Example:

This feature allows the camera to add image metadata to the transmission.


Source Code Example:

GenICam message or event channel

Source Code Example:

This feature is used to signal the user when certain events such as image arrival has happened.

FC2Config struct such as grab mode and num_buffer

Source Code Example:

Stream Node map

Source Code Example:

This feature can be used to set buffer mode and the number of buffers.

Error return code

Source Code Example:


Source Code Example:

New error handling approach uses exceptions instead of error codes.

Format7 packet size to control bandwidth

Source Code Example:

DeviceLinkLayerThroughputLimit This feature defines the total available bandwidth that can be allocated for the camera.

Imaging mode (i.e., Format7 mode 1)

Source Code Example:

Binning controls in GenICam This feature refers to the camera's binning mode where overall resolution is reduced to achieve faster frame rate or brighter image.

Events callback

Source Code Example:

Register event class with overloaded functions

Source Code Example:

This feature refers to bus event callbacks such as camera arrival and camera removal callback.

GUID to identify and track cameras

Source Code Example:

Unique camera class

Source Code Example:

You must use this identifier to access camera features in the SDK.

C++ Features

These tables provide a comparison of popular features used in FlyCapture2 C++ API and Spinnaker C++ API.


The snippet below detects the number of cameras connected and enumerates them from an index.

FlyCapture2 C++ API

BusManager busMgr;
unsigned int numCameras;
Camera camera;
PGRGuid guid;
for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < numCameras; i++)
    busMgr.GetCameraFromIndex( i, &guid );

Spinnaker C++ GenAPI

SystemPtr system = System::GetInstance();
CameraList camList = system->GetCameras();
unsigned int numCameras = camList.GetSize();
CameraPtr pCam = NULL;
for (int i = 0; i < numCameras; i++)
    pCam = camList.GetByIndex(i);

Asynchronous Hardware Triggering

The snippet below does the following:

  • Enables Trigger Mode
  • Configures GPIO0/Line0 as the trigger input source
  • Specifies the trigger signal polarity as an active high (rising edge) signal
FlyCapture2 C++ API

TriggerMode mTrigger;

mTrigger.mode = 0;
mTrigger.source = 0;
mTrigger.parameter = 0;
mTrigger.onOff = true;
mTrigger.polarity = 1;


Spinnaker C++ QuickSpin API





Spinnaker C++ GenAPI

CEnumerationPtr triggerMode = nodeMap.GetNode("TriggerMode");


CEnumerationPtr triggerSource = nodeMap.GetNode("TriggerSource");


CEnumerationPtr triggerSelector = nodeMap.GetNode("TriggerSelector");


CEnumerationPtr triggerActivation = nodeMap.GetNode("TriggerActivation");


Setting Black Level

Black level is known as brightness in FlyCapture2.

BlackLevel is the GenICam feature that represents the DC offset that is applied to the video signal. This example compares the mechanism used to set this feature in both environments.

FlyCapture2 C++ API

//Declare a Property struct.
Property prop;

//Define the property to adjust.
prop.type = BRIGHTNESS;

//Ensure the property is set up to use absolute value control.
prop.absControl = true;

//Set the absolute value of brightness to 1.5%.
prop.absValue = 1.5;

//Set the property.
error = cam.SetProperty ( &prop );

Spinnaker C++ QuickSpin API

// Brightness is called black level in GenICam

//Set the absolute value of brightness to 1.5%.

Spinnaker C++ GenAPI

CEnumerationPtr blackLevelSelector = nodeMap.GetNode("BlackLevelSelector");

CFloatPtr blackLevel = nodeMap.GetNode("BlackLevel");

Setting Exposure Time

Exposure time is known as shutter in FlyCapture2.

ExposureTime refers to the amount of time that the camera's electronic shutter stays open. This example sets your camera's exposure/shutter time to 20 milliseconds.

FlyCapture2 C++ API

//Declare a Property struct.
Property prop;

//Define the property to adjust.
prop.type = SHUTTER;

//Ensure the property is on.
prop.onOff = true;

//Ensure auto-adjust mode is off.
prop.autoManualMode = false;

//Ensure the property is set up to use absolute value control.
prop.absControl = true;

//Set the absolute value of shutter to 20 ms.
prop.absValue = 20;

//Set the property.
error = cam.SetProperty( &prop );

Spinnaker C++ QuickSpin API

// Turn off auto exposure

//Set exposure mode to "Timed"

//Set absolute value of shutter exposure time to 20000 microseconds

Spinnaker C++ GenAPI

CEnumerationPtr exposureAuto = nodeMap.GetNode("ExposureAuto");

CEnumerationPtr exposureMode = nodeMap.GetNode("ExposureMode");

CFloatPtr exposureTime = nodeMap.GetNode("ExposureTime");

Setting Gain

The following code snippet adjusts gain to 10.5 dB.

FlyCapture2 C++ API

//Declare a Property struct.
Property prop;

//Define the property to adjust.
prop.type = GAIN;

//Ensure auto-adjust mode is off.
prop.autoManualMode = false;

//Ensure the property is set up to use absolute value control.
prop.absControl = true;

//Set the absolute value of gain to 10.5 dB.
prop.absValue = 10.5;

//Set the property.
error = cam.SetProperty( &prop );

Spinnaker C++ QuickSpin API

//Turn auto gain off

//Set gain to 10.5 dB

Spinnaker C++ GenAPI

CEnumerationPtr gainAuto = nodeMap.GetNode("GainAuto");

CFloatPtr gainValue = nodeMap.GetNode("Gain");

Setting Gamma

The following code snippet adjusts gamma to 1.5.

FlyCapture2 C++ API

//Declare a Property struct.
Property prop;

//Define the property to adjust.
prop.type = GAMMA;

//Ensure the property is on.
prop.onOff = true;

//Ensure the property is set up to use absolute value control.
prop.absControl = true;

//Set the absolute value of gamma to 1.5.
prop.absValue = 1.5;

//Set the property.
error = cam.SetProperty( &prop );

Spinnaker C++ QuickSpin API

// Set the absolute value of gamma to 1.5

Spinnaker C++ GenAPI

CFloatPtr gamma = nodeMap.GetNode("Gamma");

Setting White Balance

The following code snippet adjusts the white balance's red and blue channels.

FlyCapture2 C++ API

//Declare a Property struct.
Property prop;

//Define the property to adjust.
prop.type = WHITE_BALANCE;

//Ensure the property is on.
prop.onOff = true;

//Ensure auto-adjust mode is off.
prop.autoManualMode = false;

//Set the white balance red channel to 500.
prop.valueA = 500;

//Set the white balance blue channel to 850.
prop.valueB = 850;

//Set the property.
error = cam.SetProperty( &prop );

Spinnaker C++ QuickSpin API

//Set auto white balance to off

//Select blue channel balance ratio

//Set the white balance blue channel to 2
CFloatPtr BalanceRatio = nodeMap.GetNode("BalanceRatio");

//Set the white balance red channel to 2

Spinnaker C++ GenAPI

CEnumerationPtr balanceWhiteAuto = nodeMap.GetNode("BalanceWhiteAuto");

CEnumerationPtr balanceRatioSelector = nodeMap.GetNode("BalanceRatioSelector");

CFloatPtr balanceRatio = nodeMap.GetNode("BalanceRatio");


Accessing Raw Bayer Data

Raw image data can be accessed programmatically via the getData method of the FlyCapture2 and Spinnaker Image class. In 8 bits per pixel modes such as BayerRG8, the first byte represents the pixel at [row 0, column 0], the second byte at [row 0, column 1], and so on. Image data always starts in the top left corner of the image.


// Read the BAYER_TILE_MAPPING register 0x1040 to determine the current Bayer output format (RGGB, GRBG, and so on). Using a Bayer format of RGGB, for example, the getData method returns the following (assuming char* data = rawImage.GetData(); and an Image object rawImage):

// Assuming image is 640 x 480
data[0] = Row 0, Column 0 = red pixel (R)
data[1] = Row 0, Column 1 = green pixel (G)
data[640 ] = Row 1, Column 0 = green pixel (G)
data[641] = Row 1, Column 1 = blue pixel (B)


// Assuming image is 640 x 480 resolution. The current pixel format as well as PixelColorFilter indicate the Bayer Tile Mapping for the camera. For example, BayerRG8 is RGGB.

ImagePtr pResultImage = cam.GetNextImage();

unsigned char* data = (unsigned char*)pResultImage->GetData(); 

// Assuming image is 640 x 480
data[0] = Row 0, Column 0 = red pixel (R)
data[1] = Row 0, Column 1 = green pixel (G)
data[640] = Row 1, Column 0 = green pixel (G)
data[641] = Row 1, Column 1 = blue pixel (B)

Setting Number of Software Buffers

The following code snippet adjusts the number of buffers that the driver initializes for buffering images on your PC to 11 (default is 10).

FlyCapture2 C++ API
        FC2Config BufferFrame;

        Camera** ppCameras = newCamera*[numCameras];


        BufferFrame.numBuffers = 11;

Spinnaker C++ API

Spinnaker::GenApi::INodeMap & sNodeMap = cam->GetStreamNodeMap();
CEnumerationPtr ptrStreamBufferCountMode = sNodeMap.GetNode("StreamBufferCountMode");
CEnumEntryPtr ptrStreamBufferCountModeManual = ptrStreamBufferCountMode->GetEntryByName("Manual");
CIntegerPtr StreamNode = sNodeMap.GetNode("StreamBufferCountManual");

C# Features

These tables provide a comparison of popular features used in FlyCapture2 C# API and Spinnaker C# API.


The snippet below detects the number of cameras connected and enumerates them from an index.

FlyCapture2 C# API

ManagedBusManager busMgr = new ManagedBusManager();
uint numCameras = busMgr.GetNumOfCameras();
for (uint i = 0; i < numOfCameras; i++)
    ManagedPGRGuid guid = busMgr.GetCameraFromIndex(i);

Spinnaker C# GenAPI

IList<IManagedCamera> camList = system.GetCameras();
foreach (IManagedCamera managedCamera in camList)
   using (managedCamera)

Asynchronous Hardware Triggering

The snippet below does the following:

  • Enables Trigger Mode
  • Configures GPIO0/Line0 as the trigger input source
  • Specifies the trigger signal polarity as an active high (rising edge) signal
FlyCapture2 C# API

// Get current trigger settings
TriggerMode triggerMode = cam.GetTriggerMode();

// Set camera to trigger mode 0
// A source of 7 means software trigger
triggerMode.onOff = true;
triggerMode.mode = 0;
triggerMode.parameter = 0;

// Set the trigger mode

Spinnaker C# QuickSpin API

cam.TriggerMode.Value = TriggerModeEnums.On.ToString();
cam.TriggerSource.Value = TriggerSourceEnums.Line0.ToString();
cam.TriggerSelector.Value = TriggerSelectorEnums.FrameStart.ToString();
cam.TriggerActivation.Value = TriggerActivationEnums.RisingEdge.ToString();

Spinnaker C# GenAPI

IEnum triggerMode = nodeMap.GetNode<IEnum>("TriggerMode");
triggerMode.Value = "On";

IEnum triggerSource = nodeMap.GetNode<IEnum>("TriggerSource");
triggerSource.Value = "Line0";

IEnum triggerSelector = nodeMap.GetNode<IEnum>("TriggerSelector");
triggerSelector.Value = "FrameStart";

IEnum triggerActivation = nodeMap.GetNode<IEnum>("TriggerActivation");
triggerActivation.Value = "RisingEdge";

Setting Black Level

Black level is known as brightness in FlyCapture2.

BlackLevel is the GenICam feature that represents the DC offset that is applied to the video signal. This example compares the mechanism used to set this feature in both environments.

FlyCapture2 C# API

//Declare a Property struct.
CameraProperty prop = newCameraProperty();
prop.type = PropertyType.Brightness;
prop.absControl = true;
prop.absValue = 2;

// Assuming cam is a managedCamera that has been initialized

Spinnaker C# QuickSpin API

// Black Level is also referred to as brightness
cam.BlackLevelSelector.Value = BlackLevelSelectorEnums.All.ToString();

// Set Black Level to an absolute value of 1.5%
cam.BlackLevel.Value = 1.5;

Spinnaker C# GenAPI

IEnum blackLevelSelector = nodeMap.GetNode<IEnum>("BlackLevelSelector");
blackLevelSelector.Value = "All";

IFloat blackLevel = nodeMap.GetNode<IFloat>("BlackLevel");
blackLevel.Value = 1.5;

Setting Exposure Time

Exposure time is known as shutter in FlyCapture2.

ExposureTime refers to the amount of time that the camera's electronic shutter stays open. This example sets your camera's exposure/shutter time to 20 milliseconds.

FlyCapture2 C# API

//Declare a Property struct.
CameraProperty prop = new CameraProperty();
prop.type = PropertyType.Shutter;
prop.autoManualMode = false;
prop.absControl = true;
prop.absValue = 20;
prop.onOff = true;

// Assuming cam is a managedCamera that has been initialized

Spinnaker C# QuickSpin API

// Turn off auto exposure
cam.ExposureAuto.Value = ExposureAutoEnums.Off.ToString();

// Set exposure mode to "Timed"
cam.ExposureMode.Value = ExposureModeEnums.Timed.ToString();

// Set exposure to 20000 microseconds
cam.ExposureTime.Value = 20000;

Spinnaker C# GenAPI

IEnum exposureAuto = nodeMap.GetNode<IEnum>("ExposureAuto");
exposureAuto.Value = "Off";

IEnum exposureMode = nodeMap.GetNode<IEnum>("ExposureMode");
exposureMode.Value = "Timed";

IFloat exposureTime = nodeMap.GetNode<IFloat>("ExposureTime");
exposureTime.Value = 20000;

Setting Gain

The following code snippet adjusts gain to 10.5 dB.

FlyCapture2 C# API

//Declare a Property struct.
CameraProperty prop = new CameraProperty();
prop.type = PropertyType.Gain;
prop.autoManualMode = false;
prop.absControl = true;
prop.absValue = 10;
prop.onOff = true;

// Assuming cam is a managedCamera that has been initialized

Spinnaker C# QuickSpin API

//Turn auto gain off
cam.GainAuto.Value = GainAutoEnums.Off.ToString();

//Set gain to 10.5 dB
cam.Gain.Value = 10.5;

Spinnaker C# GenAPI

IEnum gainAuto = nodeMap.GetNode<IEnum>("GainAuto");
gainAuto.Value = "Off";

IFloat gainValue = nodeMap.GetNode<IFloat>("Gain");
gainValue.Value = 10.5;

Setting Gamma

The following code snippet adjusts gamma to 1.5.

FlyCapture2 C# API

//Declare a Property struct.
CameraProperty prop = new CameraProperty();
prop.type = PropertyType.Gamma;
prop.autoManualMode = false;
prop.absControl = true;
prop.absValue = 2;
prop.onOff = true;

// Assuming cam is a managedCamera that has been initialized

Spinnaker C# QuickSpin API

// Set the absolute value of gamma to 1.5
cam.Gamma.Value = 1.5;

Spinnaker C# GenAPI

IFloat gamma = nodeMap.GetNode<IFloat>("Gamma");
gamma.Value = 1.5;

Setting White Balance

The following code snippet adjusts the white balance's red and blue channels.

FlyCapture2 C# API

//Declare a Property struct.
CameraProperty prop = new CameraProperty();
prop.type = PropertyType.WhiteBalance;
prop.autoManualMode = false;
prop.absControl = false;
prop.valueA = 500;
prop.onOff = true;

// Assuming cam is a managedCamera that has been initialized

// Get current trigger settings
TriggerMode triggerMode = cam.GetTriggerMode();

Spinnaker C# QuickSpin API

// Set auto white balance to off
cam.BalanceWhiteAuto.Value = BalanceWhiteAutoEnums.Off.ToString();

// Select blue channel balance ratio
cam.BalanceRatioSelector.Value = BalanceRatioSelectorEnums.Blue.ToString();

// Set the white balance blue channel to 2
cam.BalanceRatio.Value = 2;

Spinnaker C# GenAPI

IEnum balanceWhiteAuto = nodeMap.GetNode<IEnum>("BalanceWhiteAuto");
balanceWhiteAuto.Value = "Off";

IEnum balanceRatioSelector = nodeMap.GetNode<IEnum>("BalanceRatioSelector");
balanceRatioSelector.Value = "Blue";

IFloat balanceRatio = nodeMap.GetNode<IFloat>("BalanceRatio");
balanceRatio.Value = 2;

Accessing Raw Bayer Data

Raw image data can be accessed programmatically via the getData method of the FlyCapture2 and Spinnaker Image class. In 8 bits per pixel modes such as BayerRG8, the first byte represents the pixel at [row 0, column 0], the second byte at [row 0, column 1], and so on. Image data always starts in the top left corner of the image.


// Read the BAYER_TILE_MAPPING register 0x1040 to determine the current Bayer output format (RGGB, GRBG, and so on). Using a Bayer format of RGGB, for example, the getData method returns the following (assuming byte* data =; and an Image object data):

// Assuming image is 640 x 480
data = Row 0, Column 0 = red pixel (R)
data + 1 = Row 0, Column 1 = green pixel (G)
data + 640 = Row 1, Column 0 = green pixel (G)
data + 641 = Row 1, Column 1 = blue pixel (B)


    byte* data =;

    // Assuming image is 640 x 480 resolution with bayer tile RGGB
    // data represents row 0 column 0, red pixel (R)
    // data + 1 represents row 0 column 1, green pixel (G)
    // data + 640 represents row 1 column 0, green pixel (G)
    // data + 641 represents row 1 column 1, blue pixel (G)

Setting Number of Software Buffers

The following code snippet adjusts the number of image buffers that the driver initializes for buffering images on your PC to 11 (default is 10).

FlyCapture2 C# API

FC2Config bufferSetting;
bufferSetting = cam.GetConfiguration();
bufferSetting.numBuffers = 11;

Spinnaker C# API

INodeMap sNodeMap = cam.GetTLStreamNodeMap();
IInteger streamNode = sNodeMap.GetNode<IInteger>("StreamBufferCountManual");
long bufferCount = streamNode.Value;
streamNode.Value = 11;

C Features

These tables provide a comparison of popular features used in FlyCapture2 C API and Spinnaker C API.


The snippet below detects the number of cameras connected and enumerates them from an index.

FlyCapture2 C API

fc2PGRGuid guid;
fc2GetNumOfCameras( context, &numCameras );
for (i = 0; i < numCameras; i++)
    fc2GetCameraFromIndex( context, i, &guid );
    fc2Connect( context, &guid );

Spinnaker C API

spinCamera hCamera = NULL;
spinCameraListGetSize(hCameraList, &numCameras);
for (i = 0; i < numCameras; i++)
    spinCameraListGet(hCameraList, i, &hCamera);

Asynchronous Hardware Triggering

The snippet below does the following:

  • Enables Trigger Mode
  • Configures GPIO0/Line0 as the trigger input source
  • Specifies the trigger signal polarity as an active high (rising edge) signal
FlyCapture2 C API

fc2TriggerMode mTrigger;

mTrigger.mode = 0;
mTrigger.source = 0;
mTrigger.parameter = 0;
mTrigger.onOff = true;
mTrigger.polarity = 1;

fc2SetTriggerMode( context, & mTrigger);

Spinnaker C API

spinNodeHandle hTriggerMode = NULL;
spinNodeHandle hTriggerModeOn = NULL;
int64_t triggerModeOn = 0;

err = spinNodeMapGetNode(hNodeMap, "TriggerMode", &hTriggerMode);
err = spinEnumerationGetEntryByName(hTriggerMode, "On", &hTriggerModeOn);
err = spinEnumerationEntryGetValue(hTriggerModeOn, &triggerModeOn);
err = spinEnumerationSetIntValue(hTriggerMode, triggerModeOn);

spinNodeHandle hTriggerSource = NULL;
spinNodeHandle hTriggerSourceChoice = NULL;
int64_t triggerSourceChoice = 0;

err = spinNodeMapGetNode(hNodeMap, "TriggerSource", &hTriggerSource);
err = spinEnumerationGetEntryByName(hTriggerSource, "Line0", &hTriggerSourceChoice);
err = spinEnumerationEntryGetValue(hTriggerSourceChoice, &triggerSourceChoice);
err = spinEnumerationSetIntValue(hTriggerSource, triggerSourceChoice);

spinNodeHandle hTriggerSelector = NULL;
spinNodeHandle hTriggerSelectorChoice = NULL;
int64_t triggerSelectorChoice = 0;

err = spinNodeMapGetNode(hNodeMap, "TriggerSelector", &hTriggerSelector);
err = spinEnumerationGetEntryByName(hTriggerSource, "FrameStart", &hTriggerSelectorChoice);
err = spinEnumerationEntryGetValue(hTriggerSelectorChoice, &triggerSourceChoice);
err = spinEnumerationSetIntValue(hTriggerSelector, triggerSelectorChoice);

spinNodeHandle hTriggerActivation = NULL;
spinNodeHandle hTriggerActivationChoice = NULL;
int64_t triggerActivationChoice = 0;

err = spinNodeMapGetNode(hNodeMap, "TriggerActivation", &hTriggerActivation);
err = spinEnumerationGetEntryByName(hTriggerActivation, "RisingEdge", &hTriggerActivationChoice);
err = spinEnumerationEntryGetValue(hTriggerActivationChoice, &triggerSourceChoice);
err = spinEnumerationSetIntValue(hTriggerActivation, triggerActivationChoice);

Setting Black Level

Black level is known as brightness in FlyCapture2.

BlackLevel is the GenICam feature that represents the DC offset that is applied to the video signal. This example compares the mechanism used to set this feature in both environments.

FlyCapture2 C API

//Declare a Property struct.
fc2Property, prop;

//Define the property to adjust.
prop.type = BRIGHTNESS;

//Ensure the property is set up to use absolute value control.
prop.absControl = true;

//Set the absolute value of brightness to 1.5%.
prop.absValue = 1.5;

//Set the property.
error = fc2SetProperty ( context, &prop );

Spinnaker C API

// Black Level is also referred to as brightness
spinNodeHandle hBlackLevelSelector = NULL;
spinNodeHandle hBlackLevelSelectorChoice = NULL;
int64_t blackLevelSelectorChoice = 0;

err = spinNodeMapGetNode(hNodeMap, "BlackLevelSelector", &hBlackLevelSelector);
err = spinEnumerationGetEntryByName(hBlackLevelSelector, "All", &hBlackLevelSelectorChoice);
err = spinEnumerationEntryGetIntValue(hBlackLevelSelectorChoice, &blackLevelSelectorChoice);
err = spinEnumerationSetIntValue(hBlackLevelSelectorChoice, blackLevelSelectorChoice);

//Set the absolute value of brightness to 1.5%.
spinNodeHandle hBlackLevel;
err = spinNodeMapGetNode(hNodeMap, "BlackLevel", &hBlackLevel);
err = spinFloatSetValue(hBlackLevel, 1.5);

Setting Exposure Time

Exposure time is known as shutter in FlyCapture2.

ExposureTime refers to the amount of time that the camera's electronic shutter stays open. This example sets your camera's exposure/shutter time to 20 milliseconds.


//Declare a Property struct.
fc2Property prop;

//Define the property to adjust.
prop.type = SHUTTER;

//Ensure the property is on.
prop.onOff = true;

//Ensure auto-adjust mode is off.
prop.autoManualMode = false;

//Ensure the property is set up to use absolute value control.
prop.absControl = true;

//Set the absolute value of shutter to 20 ms.
prop.absValue = 20;

//Set the property.
error = fc2.SetProperty( &prop );


// Turn off auto exposure
spinNodeHandle hExposureAutoSelector = NULL;
spinNodeHandle hExposureAutoSelectorChoice = NULL;
int64_t exposureAutoSelectorChoice = 0;

err = spinNodeMapGetNode(hNodeMap, "ExposureAuto", &hExposureAutoSelector);
err = spinEnumerationGetEntryByName(hExposureAutoSelector, "Off", &hExposureAutoSelectorChoice);
err = spinEnumerationEntryGetValue(hExposureAutoSelectorChoice, &exposureAutoSelectorChoice);
err = spinEnumerationSetIntValue(hExposureAutoSelectorChoice, exposureAutoSelectorChoice);

//Set exposure mode to "Timed"
spinNodeHandle hExposureModeSelector = NULL;
spinNodeHandle hExposureModeSelectorChoice = NULL;
int64_t exposureModeSelectorChoice = 0;

err = spinNodeMapGetNode(hNodeMap, "ExposureAuto", &hExposureModeSelector);
err = spinEnumerationGetEntryByName(hExposureModeSelector, "Timed", &hExposureModeSelectorChoice);
err = spinEnumerationEntryGetValue(hExposureModeSelectorChoice, &exposureModeSelectorChoice);
err = spinEnumerationSetIntValue(hExposureModeSelectorChoice, exposureModeSelectorChoice);

//Set absolute value of shutter exposure time to 20000 microseconds
spinNodeHandle hExposureTime;
err = spinNodeMapGetNode(hNodeMap, "ExposureTime", &hExposureTime);
err = spinIntegerSetValue(hExposureTime, 20000);

Setting Gain

The following code snippet adjusts gain to 10.5 dB.


//Declare a Property struct.
fc2Property prop;

//Define the property to adjust.
prop.type = GAIN;

//Ensure auto-adjust mode is off.
prop.autoManualMode = false;

//Ensure the property is set up to use absolute value control.
prop.absControl = true;

//Set the absolute value of shutter to 20 ms.
prop.absValue = 10.5;

//Set the property.
error = fc2.SetProperty( &prop );


//Turn auto gain off
spinNodeHandle hGainAutoSelector = NULL;
spinNodeHandle hGainAutoSelectorChoice = NULL;
int64_t gainAutoSelectorChoice = 0;

err = spinNodeMapGetNode(hNodeMap, "GainAuto", &hGainAutoSelector);
err = spinEnumerationGetEntryByName(hGainAutoSelector, "Off", &hGainAutoSelectorChoice);
err = spinEnumerationEntryGetValue(hGainAutoSelectorChoice, &gainAutoSelectorChoice);
err = spinEnumerationSetIntValue(hGainAutoSelectorChoice, gainAutoSelectorChoice);

//Set gain to 10.5 dB
spinNodeHandle hGain;
err = spinNodeMapGetNode(hNodeMap, "Gain", &hGain);
err = spinIntegerSetValue(hGain, 10.5);

Setting Gamma

The following code snippet adjusts gamma to 1.5.

FlyCapture2 C API

//Declare a Property struct.
fc2Property prop;

//Define the property to adjust.
prop.type = GAMMA;

//Ensure the property is on.
prop.onOff = true;

//Ensure the property is set up to use absolute value control.
prop.absControl = true;

//Set the absolute value of gamma to 1.5.
prop.absValue = 1.5;

//Set the property.
error = fc2.SetProperty( &prop );

Spinnaker C API

// Enable Gamma
spinNodeHandle hGammaEnable = NULL;

err = spinNodeMapGetNode(hNodeMap, "GammaEnable", &hGammaEnable);
err = spinBooleanSetValue(hGammaEnable, false);

// Set the absolute value of gamma to 1.5
spinNodeHandle hGamma;
err = spinNodeMapGetNode(hNodeMap, "Gamma", &hGamma);
err = spinIntegerSetValue(hGamma, 1.5);

Setting White Balance

The following code snippet adjusts the white balance's red and blue channels.


//Declare a Property struct.
fc2Property prop;

//Define the property to adjust.
prop.type = WHITE_BALANCE;

//Ensure the property is on.
prop.onOff = true;

//Ensure auto-adjust mode is off.
prop.autoManualMode = false;

//Set the white balance red channel to 500.
prop.valueA = 500;

//Set the white balance blue channel to 850.
prop.valueB = 850;

//Set the property.
error = fc2.SetProperty( &prop );


//Set auto white balance to off
spinNodeHandle hBalanceWhiteAutoSelector = NULL;
spinNodeHandle hBalanceWhiteAutoSelectorChoice = NULL;
int64_t balanceWhiteAutoSelector = 0;

err = spinNodeMapGetNode(hNodeMap, "BalanceWhiteAuto", &hBalanceWhiteAutoSelector);
err = spinEnumerationGetEntryByName(hBalanceWhiteAutoSelector, "Off", &hBalanceWhiteAutoSelectorChoice);
err = spinEnumerationEntryGetValue(hBalanceWhiteAutoSelectorChoice, &balanceWhiteAutoSelector);
err = spinEnumerationSetIntValue(hBalanceWhiteAutoSelectorChoice, balanceWhiteAutoSelector);

//Select blue channel balance ratio
spinNodeHandle hBalanceRatioSelector = NULL;
spinNodeHandle hBalanceRatioSelectorChoice = NULL;
int64_t balanceRatioSelector = 0;

err = spinNodeMapGetNode(hNodeMap, "BalanceRatioSelector", &hBalanceRatioSelector);
err = spinEnumerationGetEntryByName(hBalanceRatioSelector, "Blue", &hBalanceRatioSelectorChoice);
err = spinEnumerationEntryGetValue(hBalanceRatioSelectorChoice, &balanceRatioSelector);
err = spinEnumerationSetIntValue(hBalanceRatioSelectorChoice, balanceRatioSelector);

//Set the white balance blue channel to 2
spinNodeHandle hBlueRatio;
err = spinNodeMapGetNode(hNodeMap, "BalanceRatio", &hGain);
err = spinIntegerSetValue(hBlueRatio, 2);

//Set the white balance red channel to 2
err = spinNodeMapGetNode(hNodeMap, "BalanceRatioSelector", &hBalanceRatioSelector);
err = spinEnumerationGetEntryByName(hBalanceRatioSelector, "Red", &hBalanceRatioSelectorChoice);
err = spinEnumerationEntryGetValue(hBalanceRatioSelectorChoice, &balanceRatioSelector);
err = spinEnumerationSetIntValue(hBalanceRatioSelectorChoice, balanceRatioSelector);

spinNodeHandle hRedRatio;
err = spinNodeMapGetNode(hNodeMap, "BalanceRatio", &hRedRatio);
err = spinIntegerSetValue(hRedRatio, 2);

Accessing Raw Bayer Data

Raw image data can be accessed programmatically via the getData method of the FlyCapture2 and Spinnaker Image class. In 8 bits per pixel modes such as BayerRG8, the first byte represents the pixel at [row 0, column 0], the second byte at [row 0, column 1], and so on. Image data always starts in the top left corner of the image.


// Read the BAYER_TILE_MAPPING register 0x1040 to determine the current Bayer output format (RGGB, GRBG, and so on). Using a Bayer format of RGGB, for example, the fc2GetImageData method returns the following:

// Assuming image is 640 x 480
data[0] = Row 0, Column 0 = red pixel (R)
data[1] = Row 0, Column 1 = green pixel (G)
data[640] = Row 1, Column 0 = green pixel (G)
data[641] = Row 1, Column 1 = blue pixel (B)


// Assuming image is 640 x 480 resolution. The current pixel format as well as PixelColorFilter indicate the Bayer Tile Mapping for the camera. For example, BayerRG8 is RGGB.

err = spinCameraGetNextImage(hCam, &hResultImage);
size_t imageSize;
spinImageGetBufferSize(hResultImage, &imageSize);

void **data;
data = (void**)malloc(imageSize * sizeof(void*));

spinImageGetData(hResultImage, data);

// Assuming image is 640 x 480
data[0] = Row 0, Column 0 = red pixel (R)
data[1] = Row 0, Column 1 = green pixel (G)
data[640] = Row 1, Column 0 = green pixel (G)
data[641] = Row 1, Column 1 = blue pixel (B)

Setting Number of Software Buffers

The following code snippet adjusts the number of image buffers that the driver initializes for buffering images on your PC to 11 (default is 10).

FlyCapture2 C API

FC2Config BufferFrame;
error = fc2GetConfiguration( context, &BufferFrame);
BufferFrame.numBuffers = 11;
error = fc2SetConfiguration( context, &BufferFrame);

Spinnaker C API

spinNodeHandle hGenTLNode = NULL;
int64_t bufferValue;
err = spinNodeMapGetNode(hNodeMapGenTL, "StreamBufferCountManual", &hGenTLNode);
err = spinEnumerationEntryGetValue(hNodeMapGenTL, &bufferValue);
err = spinEnumerationSetIntValue(hNodeMapGenTL, 11);