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Low Noise, EUV and Soft X-Ray Camera


PIXIS-XO highly sensitive, thermoelectrically cooled cameras utilize various back-illuminated CCDs without antireflective coating for direct detection of x-rays. A rotatable ConFlat flange with a high-vacuum-seal design make these cameras well suited for UHV applications.


Ultimate X-Ray Imaging Capability

The PIXIS-XO offers high x-ray sensitivity over the 30 eV to 20 keV range.




Rotatable ConFlat Design with X-Ray Sensitivity

The rotatable ConFlat design offered by the PIXIS-XO delivers flexibility to align CCD x-axis to the image or spectral axis.

Combining this with sensitivity in the ~30 eV – 20 keV x-ray energy range the PIXIS-XO is able to cover a wide variety of applications.


Ultimate Flexibility

Dual-amplifier readout design allows for optimization of system performance, with the lowest possible read noise, highest dynamic range and best linearity.




Powered by LightField Software

Powerful and intuitive software with built-in math engine allows for the complete control of cameras and spectrographs, with real-time image analysis and spectral data.

LightField software provides seamless integration of hardware controls and direct data acquisition into programmes such as National Instruments’ LabVIEW® and MathWorks’ MATLAB®. This software also fully supports IntelliCal automated wavelength and intensity calibration.

The PIXIS-XO can also be fully controlled by PICAM SDK, eliminating any overhead that can occur when communicating through other development environments.


Family Specifications

Cooling method Thermoelectric air or liquid cooling
Operating environment +5℃ to +30℃ non-condensing
Vacuum Compatibility 10-8 Torr
Supported interfaces USB 2.0

Resources & Support


Teledyne Princeton Instruments Reference Program

Read the Story

Tech Note

Direct Detection of X-rays (30 eV to 20 keV) Using Detectors Based on CCD Technology

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Tech Note

Flexible Electronic Architecture Extends Utility of Scientific Cameras

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Application Note

High-Harmonic Generation (HHG) and Highly-Sensitive Scientific Cameras for Soft X-ray Applications

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Technology Primer

Introduction to Synchrotrons

Read the Story

Contact Technical Support for any queries with your Teledyne Princeton Instruments camera and/or spectrometer, alongside purchasing extended warranty, accessories or software upgrades.

If you have an urgent issue, please call our Technical Support Team at (Toll free) +1 800 899 1144 or (+1) 609 587 9797 or email us directly at: [email protected].

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