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Aerospace Solutions

Multispectral Imaging


Teledyne offers expanded VNIR (visible to near infrared) multispectral image sensor capability for remote sensing applications, such as environmental observation, defense and security and other earth observation applications.

Leading Edge Solutions

Teledyne's multispectral imaging solutions leverage our long experience in leading edge design, fabrication and packaging technologies to achieve multispectral sensitivity in a single fully miniaturized package. A single device can contain multiple imaging areas tailored to different multispectral bandwidths in a highly cost effective and reliable package. By placing advanced dichroic filters applied directly in the imaging, Teledyne delivers highly efficient multispectral sensors.

Teledyne is able to combine avanced filter technology with the highest resolution sensors available; >16,000 pixel linear arrays are easily achieved. In addition each imaging area on the device can be designed to have its own pixel size and clocking to enable optimal imaging performance for the individual spectral bands. Individual elements are typically based on Teledyne’s industry-leading high resolution Time Delay and Integration technology (TDI) to maximize sensitivity and throughput. For ultimate sensitivity we also offer back side illuminated (BSI) devices. Teledyne’s custom BSI process can be optimized to achieve nearly 100% quantum efficiency thereby achieving signal to noise ratios that at the theoretical maximum.

Teledyne also offers advanced packaging options; our experience with designs optimized for radiation hardness and extreme environments gives our customers confidence and competitive advantage.






Our Advantages

  • Monolithic multispectral imagers--3, 4, 5 or more different imaging areas on one chip
  • "Push-broom" linear and TDI sensors with X resolution to 16000+ pixels and unlimited Y resolution
  • Range of advanced filters and coatings (dichroic, organic and more) for spectral sensitivity and separation
  • Back side illuminated (BSI) options for maximum sensitivity and QE
  • Radiation tolerance/hardness
  • Sophisticated packaging experience


  • High sensitivity and dynamic range
  • CCD and CMOS solutions
  • Extreme high throughput performance
  • Linear resolution to 16000+ pixels
  • Customizable pixel sizes
  • Back side illumination options 
