Markets & Solutions  /  Scientific


Solutions for Science



Redefining the Boundaries of Scientific Discovery

Teledyne Vision Solutions is where precision meets vision through groundbreaking scientific cameras and spectrometers. Our commitment to excellence in scientific imaging technology empowers researchers, scientists, and innovators across diverse fields to capture the unseen and explore the mysteries of the microscopic and macroscopic worlds, whether delving into cellular structures, studying the distant depths of space, or developing entirely new technologies.

Our scientific solutions represent the full range of cameras, spectrometers and more from industry leaders Teledyne Photometrics, Teledyne Princeton Instruments, Teledyne Acton Optics, and Teledyne Judson.

Applications & Capabilities

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Tech Note

Starlight Image Sensor Technology

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Customer Story

Simultaneous Multiplane Phase Imaging

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Customer Story

High Content Multiplex Fluorescence at University Hospital Bonn

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Application Note

Is There Really a Cool Gas in the Middle of the Sun?

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