Using a Contour ShuttlePRO v2 and ShuttleXpress with the LadybugCap or LadybugCapPro

Last Revision Date: 6/24/2016

This article explains how to use the Contour ShuttlePRO v2 or ShuttleXpress devices with LadybugCap or LadybugCapPro.

Follow these instructions to prepare the ShuttlePRO v2 or ShuttleXpress for use with LadybugCap or LadybugCapPro:

    1. Follow the instructions provided with the ShuttleXpress /ShuttlePRO installation CD to install the appropriate drivers.
    2. When installation is complete, a Shuttle icon appears in the system tray.
    3. Right-click the icon and select Open Control Panel.
    4. Click the Options button and select Import settings from the pop up menu.
    5. Browse to the directory where the Ladybug .pref files are stored. Typically, this is C:\Program Files\Teledyne\Ladybug\doc.
    6. Select the file appropriate to the device.
      • For LadybugCap:
        • Select Ladybug ShuttlePROv2.pref if the device is a ShuttlePRO v2; or
        • Select Ladybug ShuttleXpress.pref if the device is a ShuttleXpress.
        • Click Ok to load the selected file. The device is now ready for use with LadybugCap.
      • For LadybugCapPro:
        • Select PGR LadybugCapPro ShuttlePROv2.
        • Click Ok to load the selected file. The device is now ready for use with LadybugCapPro.

See below for device control diagrams and shortcut keys specific to the application.

Note: For Ladybug CapPro users: Configuration files are only provided for ShuttlePRO. However, CapPro users may create their own files for ShuttleXpress.

LadybugCap options

ShuttlePRO v2 Button Assignments


Default Keyboard Mappings

These are the default keyboard mappings that are associated with LadybugCap:

Function Shortcut Key
Open Stream File F5
New Camera Dialog F4
Camera Settings Dialog F2
Stitching Control CTRL + F2
Pause/Resume Grabbing CTRL + F6
Start/Stop Recording F3
Pause/Stop Live Image CTRL + F7
GPS Settings Dialog CTRL + F8
Page Up (in Image Dialog) Pg Up
Page Down (in Image Dialog) Pg Dn
First Image Home
Last Image End
Process/Pause F7
Stop Processing F8

LadybugCapPro options

Default keyboard mappings

Function Shortcut Key
Next image Shift + Right
Previous image Shift + Left
FWD 5 images Ctrl + Right
Back 5 images Ctrl + Left
FWD 30 images Shift + Ctrl + Right
Back 30 images Shift + Ctrl + Left
First image Home
Last image End
Jump to frame Control + J
Mark left keyframe Comma
Mark right keyframe Period
Convert Ctrl + Shift + C
Panoramic view Ctrl + P
Spherical view Ctrl + S
Dome View Ctrl + D
All cameras view Ctrl + A
Front 0 - Pole 5 Ctrl + 0
Front 1 - Pole 5 Ctrl + 1
Front 2 - Pole 5 Ctrl + 2
Front 3 - Pole 5 Ctrl + 3
Front 4 - Pole 5 Ctrl + 4