Introducing TurboDrive

Break through the GigE limit

TurboDrive is a mode of operation used to push past the gigabit Ethernet speed ceiling, allowing a GigE Vision cameras to send pixel information at a rate in excess of 125 MB/s and speeding up line and frame rates beyond the nominal link capacity.

How much more speed does TurboDrive deliver? The degree of improvement is dependent on the image itself, but is often double the standard throughput.

Image Quality

TurboDrive does not affect your images—the images transmitted to system memory are exactly the same as the images read from the camera sensor, bit for bit. There is no loss of image data and no compromise.


TurboDrive does not require any hardware or software changes to your network or application. However it is only available on select Teledyne DALSA cameras and requires Teledyne DALSA's free Sapera LT SDK (v8.0 minimum), which includes our GigE driver.

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TurboDrive Calculator

See how TurboDrive can increase your performance in the real world. Analyze your own images to see what sort of performance improvements are possible with TurboDrive.
(Sample images included. Requires Microsoft Windows 7 or higher.)
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