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Articles and other resources written by Teledyne vision experts to help you get the most out of your Teledyne Vision Solutions implementation.

580 results

Customer Story

Live Cell Fluorescence Microscopy

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Customer Story

Live Cell Imaging

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Customer Story

Live Cell Imaging at Bastin Lab

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Customer Story

Live Cell Imaging, Membrane Dynamics

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Customer Story

Live Cell Microfluidic Platform

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Customer Story

Live Cell Organelle Transport Dynamics

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Customer Story

Live Cell Spinning Disk Confocal

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Customer Story

Live Cell Time Lapse Imaging

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Customer Story

Live Vesicle Trafficking

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Customer Story

Live Yeast Imaging

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Customer Story

Live Yeast Vacuole Imaging

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Customer Story

Live-Cell Single-Molecule Fluorescence

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Customer Story

Live-Particle Tracking

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Application Note

Low-Frequency Raman Spectra of Amino Acids Discovery of a Second Fingerprint Region

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Recorded Webinar

Maximizing Data Throughput in Spinning Disk Confocal With the Kinetix sCMOS and X-Light V3

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System Requirements

Maximum suggested IEEE-1394 cable lengths

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Customer Story

Measuring Large Scale Interactions Between Surfaces with nm Precision to Better Understand Geological Formations

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Customer Story

Measuring Spectra of Single Quantum Dot Nanocrystals Emitting in SWIR

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Customer Story

Mechanosensitive dSTORM Imaging

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Customer Story

Microfluidic Live Yeast Imaging

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Customer Story

Microfluidics and Live Cell Imaging

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Customer Story

Microspectroscopy for Studying the Surfaces of Individual Nanoparticles

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Customer Story

Mizar TILT Light Sheet

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Customer Story

Multi-Patch Clamp Electrophysiology

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