How do I use my camera with Linux?

Last Revision Date: 8/10/2016

Using the FlyCapture 2 Linux SDK

With the release of version 2.0 of the FlyCapture SDK, users can program and operate our imaging cameras of all interfaces (1394, GigE, USB2, and USB3) in a Linux environment.

The newest FlyCapture 2 SDK is recommended, and can be downloaded from the FlyCapture SDK page.

Note: The recording window is not currently implemented on FlyCap2 for Linux. Users who wish to implement recording with the FlyCapture 2 SDK can refer to the SaveImageToAviEx SDK sample.

FlyCapture 2 provides no recording support for ARM. 

Using libdc1394

For users who seek an alternative to the FlyCapture SDK, we recommend using the libdc1394 package from SourceForge to develop Linux-compatible applications for FireWire, USB2, or USB3 cameras. The libdc1394 package includes some sample programs that demonstrate basic image acquisition and camera control.

libdc1394 Support for USB Cameras

USB 2.0 cameras are designed to implement the IIDC 1394-based Digital Camera Specification. Beginning with version 2.1.0, you can use the libdc1394 package to program applications against our USB cameras. To enable the libdc implementation of IIDC over USB, you must have libusb-1.0 or later installed on the machine on which you compile applications. In most cases, no other modifications are necessary.  

Note: The libdc1394 implementation of IIDC over USB is not supported with other USB cameras. It is only supported on our USB cameras because of our implementation of the IIDC specification.