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Scientific Imaging Solutions

Quantum Imaging


Quantum imaging is an emerging and rapidly developing field that involves using and engineering novel quantum phenomena to inform new imaging methods and technologies. At the intersection of quantum mechanics and imaging, these techniques have capabilities beyond classical imaging and will revolutionise the industry.

Useful quantum phenomena such as entanglement, superposition, tunnelling, correlation, interference, superconductivity or superfluidity can be used to enhance existing techniques with improved sensitivity or resolution, and can also develop entirely new quantum imaging techniques.

Our scientific camera range is already in use testing, characterising and developing exciting new quantum imaging technologies and harnessing the unique properties at the quantum scale.

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Recommended Cameras for Quantum Imaging

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Application Note

Scientific Cameras for Ultra-Low-Light Imaging in Quantum Research

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Customer Story

Imaging Photon Bose-Einstein Condensate

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Application Note

Deep-Cooled InGaAs FPA Camera Enables High-Speed, High-Resolution In Vivo Imaging of SWIR-Emitting Quantum Dots

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Customer Story

Imaging With A Quantum Light Source

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