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Signal to Noise Ratio Calculator

Signal to Noise Calculator
QE % Exposure time,s
Chip area mm
Pixel size µm
Single Pixel area µm2
Single pixel Dynamic Range Preload
Well capacity ke- Signal e-/eff.pixel
Sensor temp C°- S/N Ratio
Dark current e-/pixel/s System gain e-/count
Readnoise e- rms Expected counts*
Spherical photon flux ph/s Incident photons,ph/eff.pixel/s
Amplifier mode: Optimization of system performance for lowest noise or highest SNR.
Binning factor: The number of pixels to be combined.
Dark current: The charge accumulated within a well, in the absence of light.
Exposure time: The length of time that a CCD/CMOS is accumulating charge.
Read noise: Unwanted signal or disturbance that is generated by the on-chip amplifier
Signal-to-noise ratio: The ratio of the measured signal to the overall noise at that pixel.
Dynamic Range: Defined as the linear full well (e-) divided by read noise (e-).
Spherical photon flux: The number of photons intercepted by a sphere per unit time.
System gain: Relationship between the detected electrons and A/D units generated
Excess noise: Statistical nature of the EMCCDs results in excess noise between 1 to 1,4.
EM gain: Electrons are accelerated from pixel to pixel in the multiplication register.
CMS: Correlated Multiple Sampling, a effective noise reduction technique.
Note: * The actual values may be 50-100 counts higher because of the Baseline Offset.
Disclaimer: all numbers presented in this calculator should be used purely for reference and comparison purposes only. We do not assume any liability for their accuracy.