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Machine Vision Solutions


Parts Positioning and Robotic Guidance


For inspection on high-speed production lines, offline verification audits or robot-guided pick and place, positioning tools are critical to successful machine vision. Positioning tools, locators or pattern finders recognize and determine exact position and orientation of parts. Results can be transferred directly to material handling devices or used to position other tools required for the inspection. We refer to this correcting for part movement as landmarking.


PCB component pick and place


Automotive part alignment


Part finding and positioning


Assembly alignment

Precision Alignment Capabilities

Teledyne's products provide a variety of positioning tools that range from simple edge finders to sophisticated pattern finding algorithms. Selecting the appropriate positioning tool (or tools) for a specific application is typically based on the following criteria:

  • Part Features: high contrast unique features or complex similar patterns
  • Part Movement: XY only or with rotation
  • Part Appearance: pattern variation due to process or environment changes
  • Part Orientation: small rotation or 360° rotation


Edge positioning


Pattern positioning


Part positioning


Model training interface