Characterization and Properties of Color Centers in Silicon

Webinar: for Integrated Quantum Information Processing at Near IR and Telecom Wavelengths, and Technologies for Their Spectral Characterization

Optically active color centers in the solid state are leading candidates for quantum information processing due to long spin coherence times and high-quality spin-photon interfaces, but traditional platforms based on diamond and silicon-carbide suffer from manufacturability and optical interfacing limitations. Color centers in silicon are emerging qubit candidates operating at telecom wavelength. Platforms based on silicon color centers can leverage the mature toolbox of large-scale silicon photonics and thousands of miles of deployed optical fiber. This webinar will discuss fabrication and properties of silicon color centers, integration into photonic devices, as well as technologies necessary to detect the low light level spectral emission required for their spectral characterization. Register Here

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Image credit: Mihika Prabhu, MIT.


Who Should Attend

A basic understanding of color centers in the solid state

Learn about fabrication of Si color centers and integration into photonic devices

Learn about properties and characterization of silicon color centers

Understand technologies for spectral characterization of color centers in the near-IR and telecom wavelength range

Physicists, material scientists and quantum material researchers something

Researchers with interest in color centers, solid state quantum materials, photon-based quantum computing and quantum information systems

Experimentalists using low light spectroscopy or with an interest in sensitive low light detection in the near-IR, short wave IR and telecom wavelength range




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Dr. Carlos Errando-Herranz
Marie Curie Postdoctoral Fellow Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Read Dr. Errando-Herranz’s full biography, here
Dr. Sebastian Remi
Applications Scientist
Teledyne Princeton Instruments
Read Dr. Remi’s full biography, here
Charles Day
Physics Today