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Bumblebee® XB3 FireWire

La Bumblebee® XB3 est une caméra stéréo IEEE-1394b (800 Mo/s) à 3 capteurs et à plusieurs lignes de base, conçue pour améliorer la flexibilité et la précision. Elle comporte des capteurs de 1,3 mégapixel et dispose de deux lignes de base disponibles pour le traitement stéréo. La ligne de base étendue et la résolution élevée fournissent plus de précision sur des plages plus longues, tandis que la ligne de base étroite améliore la correspondance entre les plages proches et les limites de la plage minimale.

Resources & Support

Customer Story

An Autonomous Vehicle Driven Solely by Cameras

Read the Story

Application Note

Getting Started with MVTec HALCON

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Technical Guidance

Machine Vision Software and Firmware Version Numbering Systems

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Application Note

Getting Started with OpenCV

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Teledyne FLIR Warranty Information

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Application Note

Getting Started with MATLAB

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Technical Guidance

Live Streaming using DirectShow

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Application Note

Getting Started with FlyCapture 2.x and Linux

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Technical Guidance

What open source packages are in Teledyne FLIR products?

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Application Note

Storing Data in On-Camera Flash Memory

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Below are assets shared by all models of this product family.

For model-specific assets, select an option in the Model Finder above.

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Triclops SDK

Software Download


XB3 Firmware

Firmware Download


Below are assets shared by all models of this product family.

For model-specific assets, select an option in the Model Finder above.

PCN-2011-004A Physical Layer Chip Change

Product Change Notification


PCN-2011-008A Camera FCC Label Change

Product Change Notification


PCN-2011-011A IR Filter Change

Product Change Notification


PCN-2012-002A Camera Label Change

Product Change Notification


PCN-2013-005A IR Filter Change

Product Change Notification


BBX3 Getting Started

Quick Start Guide


Bumblebee2-XB3 Datasheet






FLIR Machine Vision Camera Register Reference

Technical Reference
