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Ladybug5 USB3

La Ladybug5 USB3 offre la plus haute qualité et précision d'imagerie sphérique à 360°. Elle est capable d’acquérir un contenu impressionnant de 8k30 ou 4k60. Avec son calibrage breveté et ses capteurs à obturateur globaux supérieurs, la Ladybug5+ a un niveau de précision de 2 mm à 10 m. La SDK Ladybug fournit un large éventail de fonctionnalités permettant aux utilisateurs d’enregistrer, de traiter et d’exporter du contenu sphérique facilement.

Resources & Support

Application Note

Overview of the Ladybug Image Stitching Process

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Technical Guidance

How to determine and interpret the Bayer Tile pixel format of a camera

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Application Note

Getting Started with MVTec HALCON

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Technical Guidance

How to apply correction factor values to perform falloff correction

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Application Note

Using Packet and Buffer Size to Adjust Frame Rate on Ladybug Cameras

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Technical Guidance

Machine Vision Software and Firmware Version Numbering Systems

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Application Note

Geometric Vision using Ladybug Cameras

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Understanding Teledyne FLIR machine vision part numbers

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Teledyne FLIR Warranty Information

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Application Note

Getting Started with MATLAB

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Below are assets shared by all models of this product family.

For model-specific assets, select an option in the Model Finder above.

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Ladybug SDK

Software Download


LD5 Firmware 1.2.3-01

Firmware Download


Below are assets shared by all models of this product family.

For model-specific assets, select an option in the Model Finder above.

PCN-2013-010A Ladybug5 DEVKIT Change

Product Change Notification


PCN-2014-007A IR Filter Change

Product Change Notification


PCN-2016-003A Ladybug5 DEVKIT Update

Product Change Notification


PCN-2017-014 LD5 Internal Power Supply Improvement

Product Change Notification


PCN-2018-012 Ladybug5 Discontinuation

Product Change Notification


Ladybug5 Datasheet






LD5 Getting Started

Quick Start Guide


LD5 Technical Reference

Technical Reference


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