Live Streaming using DirectShow

Last Revision Date: 16/04/2020

You can live stream with our imaging cameras using DirectShow and third-party live streaming software. Spinnaker and FlyCapture2 SDKs include DirectShow.  A 32-bit streaming software package requires a 32-bit SDK, and 64-bit streaming software requires a 64-bit SDK.

Note: DirectShow is available for Windows only.

To live stream images using DirectShow:

    1. Select a live streaming software package that uses DirectShow and download it from the product’s website. We have tested the following:
    1. Download and install the Spinnaker SDK (32 or 64 bit, depending upon whether you are using 32 or 64 bit third party software) for most of our machine vision cameras.  For cameras that only work with flycapture2 (usb2/firewire cameras), users can download the the FlyCapture2 SDK.

The following is an example on how to enable directshow for 32 bit Spinnaker 1.x (if using Spinnaker 2.x, change directory folder from "Point Grey Research" to "Flir Systems" / if using Spinnaker 3.x or later, change directory to "Teledyne"):

  • Open a command prompt window with admin privileges
  • Navigate to C:\Program files (x86)\Point Grey Research\Spinnaker\bin\vs2015
  • Enter the following command (without quotations): "C:\Windows\SYSWOW64\regsvr32.exe SpinnakerDirectshow_v140.dll"
  • Restart the computer.
  • Connect the camera to the computer and follow the live streaming software instructions to add the camera as video capture source.


  • Not all of the available camera functions are accessible when using DirectShow.
  • Machine vision cameras cannot be considered the same as webcam cameras, and therefore will not work in all applications that work with webcam cameras; third party application would need to specifically support directshow (or genicam) to work with our cameras.
  • Some users may find issues opening chrome after registering directshow dll's.  To unregister, you can follow the same steps as shown above, and change the last command to the following: "C:\Windows\SYSWOW64\regsvr32.exe -u  SpinnakerDirectshow_v140.dll"

For additional information, see: