The Power of Deep Learning, in a Tiny Camera@Model.PrimaryHeadlineSize>
Automate Complex Decisions Faster with Artificial Intelligence
Teledyne Neuro Technology builds on 20 years of experience in machine vision to deliver easier to use, reliable, and cost-effective solutions to complex imaging problems. Neuro allows you to deploy your trained neural network directly to the camera and reduce system cost and complexity.
システム設計者が複雑かつ主観的な意思決定を自動化し、より質の高い製品の製造と生産性の向上を目指すにあたり、強力なツールとなるのがディープラーニングです。ニューロテクノロジーにより学習させたニューラルネットワークをFLIR Firefly DLに展開し、ホストPCを経由せずにカメラ本体で判断させることでシステムのコストと複雑性を低減します。Firefly DLカメラは、超小型かつ軽量で消費電力が少ないため、モバイルシステム、デスクトップシステム、ハンドヘルドシステムへの組み込みに最適です。
Learn MoreInference on Edge with Firefly DL Camera
Deep learning inference will fundamentally change the way vision systems are designed and programmed. It will enable complex and subjective decisions to be made more quickly and accurately than would be possible using traditional rules-based approaches.
Step-by-Step Guide to Build Your First Deep Learning System
Use this easy-to-follow guide to build your first deep learning classification system from hardware choices, downloading free software, downloading a quality dataset, to uploading the neural network to Firefly DL.
Best Practices: Training a Deep Learning Neural Network
Learn how to develop a dataset for classifying and sorting images into categories, which is the best starting point for users new to deep learning.
Ask us about on-camera inference
Call +1-866-765-0827 (toll free) or +1-604-242-9937 to speak with a knowledgeable specialist.