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Bumblebee X 5GigE

Bumblebee® X는 포괄적인 산업용 등급(IP67) 스테레오 비전 솔루션으로, 온보드 프로세싱을 통해 창고 자동화, 로봇 공학 지침 및 물류를 위한 성공적인 시스템을 구축합니다. 카메라는 다양한 거리에서 정확하게 작동하도록 설계되었습니다. 고객은 광범위한 기준 솔루션을 통해 최대 20미터 범위의 깊이 감지 시스템을 테스트하고 배포할 수 있습니다.

Resources & Support


Advancing Stereo Depth Perception in Industrial Automation

자세히 보기

Recorded Webinar

Webinar: Stereo Vision in Real Time Applications

지금 시청

Recorded Webinar

Webinar: Bumblebee X Overview and Product Update

지금 시청

System Requirements

Bumblebee X Firmware Release Notes

Read the Story

System Requirements

Getting Started with the Bumblebee X

Read the Story

Below are assets shared by all models of this product family.

For model-specific assets, select an option in the Model Finder above.

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Spinnaker SDK

Software Download


Below are assets shared by all models of this product family.

For model-specific assets, select an option in the Model Finder above.

Bumblebee X BX-P5G-30C/BX-PGE-30C Datasheet



BX-P5G-30C-XC3 and BX-PGE-30C-XC3 CAD Models and Drawings



BX-P5G-30C-XC5 and BX-PGE-30C-XC5 CAD Models and Drawings



BX-P5G-30C-XC7 and BX-PGE-30C-XC7 CAD Models and Drawings



Contact Support

Your question may be answered in one of our 300+ Knowledge Base articles. Visit our Support Center and search for your product or the topic you have a question about.

Check out our Community Forum for answers and discussion.

To submit a support ticket, visit our Technical Support Center, or call us at +1-604-242-9937 (select option 2).

To request an RMA, please complete our Return and Repair Request Form.