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Low Noise, Indirect Detection X-Ray Camera


PIXIS XF low-noise cameras have a unique fiberoptic design with multiple phosphor screen options for the direct detection of x-rays. With an exclusive mechanical design, where the fiberoptic faceplate extends outside the vacuum, the PIXIS XF offers flexibility for optimizing performance at specific medium-energy x-rays.


Ultimate X-Ray Imaging Capability

The PIXIS-XF offers high x-ray sensitivity over the <3 to >20 keV range.




Phosphor Replacement Design With X-Ray Sensitivity

Optimization of camera performance to match x-ray energy is achievable through the use of exchanging phosphors.

This allows the PIXIS-XF to be sensitive in the 3-20 keV energy range, ideal for computed microtomography, medical imaging and industrial imaging.


Ultimate Flexibility

Dual-amplifier readout design allows for optimization of system performance, with the high sensitivity amplifier reducing read noise for weak signals. The PIXIS-XF offers increased effective dynamic range with a high capacity amplifier.




Powered by LightField Software

Powerful and intuitive software with built-in math engine allows for the complete control of cameras and spectrographs, with real-time image analysis and spectral data.

LightField software provides seamless integration of hardware controls and direct data acquisition into programmes such as National Instruments’ LabVIEW® and MathWorks’ MATLAB®. This software also fully supports IntelliCal automated wavelength and intensity calibration.

The PIXIS-XF can also be fully controlled by PICAM SDK, eliminating any overhead that can occur when communicating through other development environments.

Family Specifications

Dark current at -40℃ 0.035 e-/p/sec
Cooling method Thermoelectric air or liquid cooling
Supported interfaces USB 2.0

Resources & Support


Teledyne Princeton Instruments Reference Program

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Tech Note

Flexible Electronic Architecture Extends Utility of Scientific Cameras

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Tech Note

Utilizing Fiberoptics for Indirect Detection of X-rays

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Tech Note

Utilizing Phosphors for Indirect Detection of X-rays

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Application Note

X-ray μCT Provides Nondestructive, High-Resolution 3D Imaging

Read the Story

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User Manual


Contact Technical Support for any queries with your Teledyne Princeton Instruments camera and/or spectrometer, alongside purchasing extended warranty, accessories or software upgrades.

If you have an urgent issue, please call our Technical Support Team at (Toll free) +1 800 899 1144 or (+1) 609 587 9797 or email us directly at: [email protected].

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