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High Accuracy Depth Sensing

Bumblebee X 5GigE

BumblebeeĀ® X is a comprehensive industrial grade (IP67) stereo vision solution with onboard processing to build successful systems for warehouse automation, robotics guidance, and logistics. The camera is designed to operate accurately across varying distances. Customers can test and deploy depth sensing systems that work up to ranges of 20 meters with the wide baseline solution.

Resources & Support


Advancing Stereo Depth Perception in Industrial Automation

Learn more

Recorded Webinar

Webinar: Stereo Vision in Real Time Applications

Watch now

Recorded Webinar

Webinar: Bumblebee X Overview and Product Update

Watch now

System Requirements

Bumblebee X Firmware Release Notes

Read the Story

System Requirements

Getting Started with the Bumblebee X

Read the Story

Below are assets shared by all models of this product family.

For model-specific assets, select an option in the Model Finder above.

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Spinnaker SDK

Software Download


Below are assets shared by all models of this product family.

For model-specific assets, select an option in the Model Finder above.

Bumblebee X BX-P5G-30C/BX-PGE-30C Datasheet



BX-P5G-30C-XC3 and BX-PGE-30C-XC3 CAD Models and Drawings



BX-P5G-30C-XC5 and BX-PGE-30C-XC5 CAD Models and Drawings



BX-P5G-30C-XC7 and BX-PGE-30C-XC7 CAD Models and Drawings



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To submit a support ticket, visit our Technical Support Center, or call us at +1-604-242-9937 (select option 2).

To request an RMA, please complete our Return and Repair Request Form.