Bumblebee X Firmware Release Notes

Firmware Version 2402.0001.187.000 v1.1


Stereo Resolution - Renamed Half to Quarter. This change more accurately reflects the output image being halved in resolution both vertically and horizontally.

Pixel Formats - Added YUV422Packed as a selectable pixel format. This format is available for Raw and Rectified components.

New HDR Mode feature - This feature aids in stereo disparity by enhancing the detectability of shadows and highlights. It is enabled by default but can be configured through User Sets. Note that HDR Mode cannot be enabled simultaneously with LUT feature. 

Updated PHY firmware version.

Bug Fixes

Fixed issue with Defect Pixel Correction. In rare cases, the first image captured did have defect pixel correction applied correctly.

Fixed issue with the Look Up Table (LUT). The LUT was applying the same look-up value to all indices. Now, each LUT index can have its own look-up value.

Fixed issue with File Access. Previously, File Access could lock up under certain conditions.

Fixed issue with Digital IO Aux. Output. Previously Aux. Output was left floating at 2 V after the camera completed its power-up sequence. It now settles to 0 V once the power-up sequence is complete.

Known Issues


Firmware Version 2402.0001.158.000 v1.0

Initial Release

Known Issues

Defect Pixel Correction – In rare cases, the first image grabbed may not have defect pixel correction applied correctly.

Look Up Table (LUT) – The applied look-up value for one index is incorrectly applied to all indices. This can cause incorrect image processing results when using LUT.

File Access – Continuous read/write operations to the camera file system may cause file system to lock up. This can lead to delays or failures in saving or retrieving data.

Digital IO Aux. Output – The auxiliary output floats at approximately 2 V until either the 3.3 V or 5.0 V output is enabled and disabled. This can cause temporary voltage inconsistencies in auxiliary output.

Multiframe Acquisition Mode – Occasionally, an extra image may be reported as grabbed in multiframe acquisition mode despite correct images being transmitted from the camera. Note: this is a Spinnaker issue.