Stereo Cameras

FLIR has made stereo vision practical for a variety of research areas by providing hardware and software packages that include complete stereo processing support – from image correction and alignment to dense correlation-based stereo mapping. Stereo vision works in a similar way to 3D sensing in human vision. It begins with identifying image pixels that correspond to the same point in a physical scene observed by multiple cameras. The 3D position of a point can then be established by triangulation using a ray from each camera. The more corresponding pixels identified, the more 3D points that can be determined with a single set of images. Correlation stereo methods attempt to obtain correspondences for every pixel in the stereo image, resulting in tens of thousands of 3D values generated with every stereo image.
Stereo Cameras



  • 出厂校准的 24 厘米基线立体视觉,配备 300 万像素传感器,可实现高精度
  • 板载处理,以输出深度图和颜色数据,用于点云转换和着色
  • 较低的延迟使其特别适合实时应用,例如自动移动式机器人、自动导引车辆、取放、箱中取物和码垛。
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