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Contact Teledyne DALSA about Environmental Compliance

For questions regarding environmental matters as they relate to Teledyne DALSA imaging products or operations, please contact us below.

Environmental Compliance Contact

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  • The EU RoHS 2 Directive, to ensure that Electrical and Electronic Equipment (EEE) placed on the market does not contain the restricted substances, lead, cadmium, mercury, hexavalent chromium, polybrominated biphenyl (PBB) and polybrominated diphenyl ether (PBDE) above maximum concentration levels, became effective 2 January 2013.
  • Directive 2015/863 amended the EU RoHS2 Directive to restrict four additional phthalates, Bis (2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP), Dibutyl phthalate (DBP), Benzyl butyl phthalate (BBP) and Diisobutyl phthalate (DIBP) above maximum concentration levels. For some product categories, this amended version is effective as of 22 July 2019.
  • Specific exemptions exist for certain types of EEE as well as certain applications of the above substances. 
  • The directive falls under the CE marking regime.

Corporate Statement

Teledyne DALSA offers both RoHS compliant [to Article 4(1)] and non-compliant products. Refer to the Material Composition Declaration document on specific product download pages to determine RoHS compliance status. Since Teledyne DALSA sells inspection related components for latter inclusion in finished products (inspection systems) it is the customer’s responsibility to ensure the product, if in scope, when placed on the market meets the requirements of the directive. Teledyne DALSA assumes no other responsibilities.

China RoHS


  • The Chinese law, "Administration on the Control of Pollution Caused by Electronic Information Products (EIP)" was established jointly by the Chinese Ministry of Information Industry (MII) along with several other Chinese ministries in February 2006. It establishes requirements for hazardous substance content disclosure and marking as well as restrictions on hazardous substances for EIP.
  • The scope is defined in the "EIP Classification and Explanation" document. It includes 10 broad categories of EIP explaining each through the use of product listings. Unlike EU RoHS, components and materials are included directly within the definition of EIP in addition to final products
  • The specific requirements are defined through a series of standards and other documents. They include
Marking standard SJ/T 11364-2014
General Disassembly Requirements   GB/Z 20288-2006
Environment-Friendly Use Period SJ/Z 11388-2009
Packing Recycling Mark GB 18455-2010
Concentration Limits standard SJ/T 11363-2006
Test Methods standard SJ/T 11365-2006
  • Official binding documents are available in Chinese only. English translations are unofficial therefore subject to interpretation and are therefore non-binding.
  • There are two phases of implementation:
  • Marking for control of pollution caused by EIP
  • Concentration limits on certain hazardous substances in EIP
  • The effective date for Phase 1 is 1 March 2007 for all EIP 'put on the market'. This is understood to be the production date for product made for sale. The method of compliance is self-declaration.
  • The scope and effective date for Phase 2 will be included in "The Catalog". The release date is unavailable.

Corporate Statement

TDDI considers its products to fall within the scope of China RoHS Phase 1 therefore all products with the exception of a few specialty items will be produced as compliant.

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Teledyne DALSA, a business unit of Teledyne Digital Imaging, Inc. – Statement regarding European Regulation (EC) No. 1907/2006 for the Registration, Evaluation Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals (the “REACH Regulation”).

Teledyne DALSA, a business unit of Teledyne Digital Imaging, Inc. (“TDII”) produces complex products that are or contain items that would be considered an “Article” according to Article 3(3) of the REACH Regulation: "an object which during production is given a special shape, surface or design which determines its function to a greater degree than its chemical composition".  As a manufacturer established outside of the European Economic Area (EEA), TDII does not have direct obligations under the Regulation however we understand that the businesses that import our products into the EEA may have such obligations. 

It is TDII’s understanding that there are four types of requirements that may be relevant to importers of Articles as defined in the REACH Regulation:

Article 7(1) Registration

If substances of very high concern (“SVHC”) in Articles are intended to be released during normal and reasonable foreseeable conditions of use and are present in excess of one tonne per year, they are required to be registered. 

TDII products do not contain any substances intended to be released during normal and reasonably foreseeable use conditions.

Article 7(2) Notification

When SVHCs included on the candidate list for authorization are imported in amounts in excess of 1 tonne per year and present in Articles in concentrations > 0.1% wt/wt of the Article, notification to the European Chemical Agency (ECHA) is required. 

TDII does not import SVHCs in amounts in excess of 1 tonne per year and TDII products do not contain SVHCs as identified in the latest ECHA Authorization List in excess of 0.1% wt/wt of the Article.

Article 33 Communicate

When SVHCs included on the candidate list are included in Articles in concentrations above 0.1% wt/wt of the Article, recipients of the Articles must be provided with information for safe use of the Articles, including, as a minimum, the name of that substance. 

TDII monitors the composition of materials used in its products and communicates the inclusion of any SVHCs in excess of 0.1% wt/wt of the Article as the information becomes available. This obligation is fulfilled by our Material Declaration documents, which can be found under the Support-center's documentation - certifications page.

Annex XVII – Restrictions

Identifies substances that are restricted for use and the conditions of restriction. 

TDII products do not contain substances that are restricted for use under the applicable conditions.

US Conflict Minerals Report

As part of our efforts to ensure sourcing of conflict-free goods, we have surveyed our global supply chain to identify measures being taken by our suppliers to track the source of minerals used in products manufactured at their facilities. We continue to review our supply chain and collect data from suppliers regarding their use of conflict minerals. The response attached below is based upon the EICC reports provided to Teledyne by our suppliers and analyzed by our conflict minerals compliance team.

We will provide updated information when available.