Blackfly® S 采用业内先进的冰块外形传感器。其拥有的强大功能使您可以轻松生成所需的精确图像,并加速您的应用程序开发。这包括对图像捕获和相机预处理的自动和精确手动控制。相机内部功能(包括 IEEE1588 时钟同步以及与支持 GigE Vision 的热门第三方软件完全兼容)为系统设计员提供了相关工具,以便快速开发创新型解决方案。GigE 型采用无损压缩 (LLC)技术,还具有更高的最大帧率和更低的带宽要求,可在不影响图像质量的情况下实现输出最大化。Blackfly S 提供GigE、USB3、套装和板级版本。
Blackfly S 目前交付周期为四周或更短。在需要的时候获得想要的相机。
The Exact Images You Need
Choice of CMOS global shutter, polarization, and high-sensitivity BSI sensors. Color transformation tools ensure true- to-life color. Advanced auto-algorithms or precise manual control.
Develop Once, Deploy Anywhere
Support for a wide range of operating systems and host system hardware architectures. Easily switch to board level models for embedded systems. Simplified product iteration with consistent form factor across sensor sizes.
Accelerate Development & Output
Compatible with third party software and hardware. Reduce coding requirements using powerful on-camera features. Accelerate output with LLC on select models. Quickly build custom applications with rich sample code and descriptive API logging.
Spinnaker SDK for Machine Vision Cameras
The Spinnaker SDK is Teledyne’s next-generation GenICam3 API library for machine vision developers. It features an intuitive GUI called SpinView, rich example code, and comprehensive documentation to help you build your application faster.
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