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Scientific Imaging Solutions

Super-Resolution Microscopy

Fluorescence Microscopy


Conventional light microscopy techniques are limited by the diffraction limit of light, preventing us from seeing anything smaller than approximately 200 nm in x and y and 500 nm in z. 

Many molecules and structures of interest require a higher degree of resolution than this to visualize, so it was necessary to develop a technique to break the diffraction limit to see them. There are now a significant number of super-resolution techniques that break the diffraction limit of light such as localization based techniques (PALM/STORM), structural techniques (SIM/iSIM) and post-processing techniques (SRRF).

These techniques offer different advantages depending on the sample and application but typically require a scientific camera to have high sensitivity, high speed and high resolution with an additional advantage being granted by a large field of view.


Recommended Cameras for Super Resolution Microscopy

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Application Note

Super-Resolution Localization Microscopy

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Application Note

SIM and iSIM

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Application Note

Super Resolution Spinning Disk Confocal Microscopy

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Super-Resolution Optical Fluctuation Imaging

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Application Note

Super-Resolution Radial Fluctuations (SRRF)

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Application Note

Expansion Microscopy

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Tech Note

Prime 95B sCMOS vs EMCCD For Super-Resolution Imaging

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Customer Story

Imaging With A Quantum Light Source

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Customer Story

High Content Multiplex Fluorescence at Institute of Science and Technology Austria

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Customer Story

STORM & Photonics

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