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X-Ray Scattering


X-ray scattering measures the patterns, intensities, and angles of scatter produced when a sample is illuminated by an x-ray beam. X-ray scattering is advantageous as it is a non-destructive technique, typically used alongside x-ray microscopy and x-ray spectroscopy. Information on shape, dispersity, sample size, porosity, morphology, and orientation are some of the few things that can be measured via x-ray scattering.

X-ray scattering can be elastic, or inelastic. There are different x-ray scattering techniques, the most common being x-ray diffraction/crystallography. This technique relies on the crystalline structure of a sample, and typically needs very high energy hard x-rays to obtain atomic level information.

Other techniques include small-angle x-ray scattering (SAXS) and wide-angle x-ray scattering (WAXS). X-rays can be elastically scattered at a range of different angles dependent on the sample. In this way, the angle of the scattered x-rays can give information on the physical properties of a sample. SAXS provides nanoscale resolution, whereas WAXS provides atomic resolution. Both techniques can be done simultaneously by increasing or decreasing the space between the detector and sample.

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Application Note

Introduction to X-ray Scattering

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Application Note

Introduction to X-ray Diffraction

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Tech Note

New QE Response Curves for the Soft X-Ray to VUV Energy Range

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Tech Note

Flexible Electronic Architecture Extends Utility of Scientific Cameras

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Tech Note

Direct Detection of X-rays (30 eV to 20 keV) Using Detectors Based on CCD Technology

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