Writing a single image to disk using a single lens camera

Last Revision Date: 4/7/2016

This article explains how to grab a single frame of video and save it to disk using a single lens camera. Once the image is saved, it can be viewed and edited using your preferred image editing program.

Using Spinnaker SDK

To save a file

    1. Connect the camera to the PC.
    2. Launch the SpinView application.
    3. Select the camera from the Devices list.
    4. Start acquisition.
    5. From the Display pane, click save a file to disk. 
    6. Enter a filename and select a file type. Click OK.


Using FlyCapture SDK

To save a file

    1. Connect the camera to the PC.
    2. Launch the FlyCap application.
    3. Select the camera from the Camera Selection list.
    4. Start acquisition.
    5. Click the Pause button to select the image.
    6. Under File, Save as enter a filename and select a file type. Click OK.